Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Day 88 (Tue 10/03) Carson City, NV

As I mentioned earlier, instead of taking a full rest day we are having 2 short cycling days. The first was yesterday from Fallon, NV to Silver Springs where we stayed with Frank & Laurel. Unfortunately, we left this morning before Frank got up so I don't have any pictures. Mag got a picture of Laurel.

Today we went from Silver Springs to Carson City, Nevada's capital (about 35 miles). We made our way through another road construction site today. There is a lady named Barbara here in Carson who hosts cyclists and we're planning to stay at her house. Carson City has a lot of amenities because of its roughly 50,000 population though it is full of traffic and not all that friendly for the cyclist, and I haven't seen the "cute downtown" that many places have.

We're planning to "check in" at Barbara's house between 16:00 and 16:30. We went to the Bike Smith bike shop so Mag could get her derailleur adjusted; I'll check out the other if I have time. We're planning a spaghetti dinner for tonight.

Tomorrow we are planning to go over Carson's pass, at 8,500', the last remaining significant pass we must ascend.

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