Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 86 (Sun 10/01) evening/night at 1st Southern Baptist in Fallon, NV

Pastor Barney from Austin, NV referred me to Pastor Stanton in Fallon, NV. Mr. Stanton wouldn't be available until after 19:00, and Mag found an excellent single room in a historic hotel for $23, so she decided to stay there.

I went to the 1st Southern Baptist church on Taylor Street in Fallon in the middle of the 18:00 service. After the service, Mr. Stanton and 2 parishioners (Geff and Dorothy) discussed their relationship with God and their conversion experiences. After an initially frustrating period, they opened up and discussed the challenges and things they continue to struggle with in their service to God (I won't provide any more details; I don't think I could do it justice in writing).

It was well after 20:00 when we finished our talk. Mr. Stanton offered me a cup o' noodles, 2 cans of fruit, and 1 can of Vienna sausages since I was hungry, and said I could camp behind the church, which I did. He gave me his card with a note on the back in case the Police saw my tent and questioned me, which of course they didn't. The tent was still very tight and it took Geff and my combined strength to erect it. It rained during the night (a reminder that we've left the deep desert) though not heavily and I was just fine inside the tent. I charged my mobile at an outside outlet on the sunday school, protected from the rain.



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