Saturday, September 30, 2006

Day 85 (Sat 09/30) Eureka to Middlegate junction, help from Yuri

We passed Mt. Airy and New Pass today. We got a strong headwind mid-day which slowed us quite a bit. Mag's friend Yuri came from Reno and carried our gear for half the day and brought sandwiches and fruit which was very nice.

Near Middlegate there was a huge tree of shoes which people had thrown up there, and it is a popular passtime to add new shoes.

We had dinner with Yuri at middlegate (will post photos when I can). Yuri paid which I think he shouldn't have done but I let it go because Mag & Yuri go back years.

Mag and Yuri slept in Yuri's car, and I camped behind the restaurant (where there were other trailers and RVs). They provided a shower and didn't even charge us. I think they do charge RVers and people with trailers.



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