Monday, October 02, 2006

Day 87 (Mon 10/02) Nevada (vs. Utah, etc.)

Nevada's terrain, though admittedly slightly on the monotonous side at times, has interesting features I haven't seen elsewhere on the ride. Nevada has huge basins and ranges, when riding I was going up and down gradually about every 10-20 miles, in contrast with Utah's rapid ups and downs and often steep grades. Because of the long distances between services, we've had to ascend and descent multiple mountain passes each day. Individually, they are smaller than those in Colorado but collectively it is quite a bit of work.

In both Nevada & Utah, we've had to fight the prevailing westerly winds. Kansas, notorious for winds, was easy by comparison at least for us.

Culturally, permissive Nevada with its slot machines in Safeway, casinos, thick gas chamber like smoking in restaurants, and prostitution is obviously quite a bit different than Utah, with its restricted sales of alcohol and strong presence of the LDS church.



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