Sunday, August 13, 2006

Day 37 (near Ellinwood, KS) Mother nature 1 Team Maggie 0

(photo: Mag trying to get ZZZs during our brown bag lunch in the downstairs employee break room at the Lyons Foodliner store, from fighting the winds. It was the only air conditioned place for us to eat our lunch since there was no seating upstairs in the store)

I was so hungry earlier when cycling, surprising since I had 4 plates at Golden Dragon yesterday. I figured that after eating my fill last night I'd have energy to cycle with only light meals.

Today has been a tough day. Mag is raging at the heavens to stop the wind and I can't quench my thirst; all my water is solar heated. I think Mag is near exhaustion; I suggested that we stop in Ellinwood, which does not have formal accomodation but we could try to find a church or private home rather than press on to Great Bend, KS.



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