Friday, August 11, 2006

Day 35 (Emporia, KS) The tough life of the touring cyclist

Since we started early (set out at 0640) and had only 45 miles to do for the day from Williamsburg to Emporia, we finished around 11 am and have the remainder of the day to rest and goof off. Generally I don't like full rest days; I don't need that much rest and I feel like I'm not really doing anything. However, I will have a very light cycling day to do some sightseeing or other activity. (on the Southern Tier, I never took a full 24 hours off. I would always ride, even if it was only 10 miles to the next town on a given day)

Incidentally, Mike is spoiling us; already he gave us chicken salad as well as peach tea and ice cream bars by the pool. Yeah, life is tough for the touring cyclist.



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