Saturday, July 15, 2006

Day 8: Corning, NY (Maggie goes to glass museum, Dave sews 'bent seat)

Both of us slept well at the Gate House motel in Corning. Maggie's mobile alarm started going off around 6:30 AM and I think she hit the snooze about 10 times before we got up around 7:30 AM. We got our stuff together and left, riding into town with the intention of us both visiting the Corning Glass museum arriving by 9 AM.

We ate breakfast at the fabulous and upscale Wegman's supermarket. They provided a toaster for the fresh bread and hummus spread, which we ate with oatmeal cookies (I ate them anyway, Mag didn't get any cookies yet), blueberries, yogurt, muffins, bananas, and juice. We were both stuffed but kept eating to build our strength for riding.

After breakfast I was concerned about the fraying fabric of my recumbent seat so Mag went to the museum on her own while I looked around town for someone who could repair my seat. The shoe repair was closed but ultimately I found a sewing machine shop. The lady lent me a needle, denim material, scissors, and thread to repair the seat back myself. It took a while to sew it rather crudely, and it looks a bit strange but so far it is supporting my weight. I may take the seat to a boat upholsterer later or just order a new Rans seat cover.



At 7/19/2006 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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