Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Day 5 morning - Hancock, NY

I slept very well last night in a comfortable bed at Gene's house in his son's old room. I got up around 6 AM, Maggie was still sleeping in Gene's room (Gene, after offering his bed became a refugee in his own house, sleeping in his music room). Since it was raining in the morning, I saw little value in waking Maggie to get on the road as I figured she would be reluctant to start pedaling in the rain. I didn't take a picture of Gene but Maggie did so it may appear on her blog.

We're waiting at Gene's house for the rain to lessen a bit. I'm hoping we can pedal forward a little bit, perhaps to Deposit or Windsor as opposed to staying in Hancock for the entire day.

Update: still raining at noon. Much as it may be tempting to stay at Gene's house, I think we'd better get on the road soon, even if we just go 10 miles or so to Deposit, NY. (the distance of 10 miles assumes we can ride on highway 17)



At 7/13/2006 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dave: I am the sister-in-law of Maggie's sister Suzy. I enjoy reading about yours and Maggie's adventure everyday and greatly admire yours and Maggie's tenacity and spirit of adventure. Please take good care of Maggie as I know you will. I completed the half-marathon earlier this year and both of you have inspired me to try a triathlon this fall. As for a bike ride across the country, it's hard to fathom that I would ever have the courage to go that far (family obligations otherwise). Wishing you mostly good weather and an experience to remember the rest of your lives. Lan

At 7/20/2006 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7/24/2006 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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