Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 61 (Thu): reflection on my time with Dr. Ed & Mag (mushy ramblings - feel free to skip)

Before I begin, I want to emphasize again that I hold Dr. Ed in the highest regard personally and professionally for his intellect, quick wit, sense of humor, devotion to the cause of cycling, and accomplishments in his career. He is a man with few peers.

Despite my admittedly childish jealousy of no longer being the focus of Mag's attention, and though I often had the choice of doing what Dr. Ed and Mag had decided (more emphasis on traditional tourist activities such as browsing shops and sightseeing, nothing wrong with that but not always what I'm in the mood to do), or striking out on my own for part of a day or a few days, Dr. Ed is a good person and it has been a pleasure for me to know him and be his friend during our time together.

Mag and I have shared a lot of adventures during our 62 days on the road together, and I am now, and always, grateful for her companionship, smile, personal strength, cooking skill, and feminine perspective. I feel close to her, that I can share my feelings with her, and rely on her to watch my back when I need it (when I'm hungry and not thinking clearly, for example). I'm a silly person with silly feelings sometimes, and it may not be rational that I'm jealous when Mag shows that she finds Dr. Ed more interesting than she does me, or that they are closer friends, or that she puts his interests before mine.

The times I have cycled independently, sometimes it has been to sort out the confusion in my head regarding Mag, sometimes just because I want to do something the two of them wouldn't be interested in, or because I think I can be a better friend to Mag and Ed by giving them a little space.

This morning at breakfast at Jean-Pierre, I felt that all 3 of us connected and this was the best of times for our journey together. Ironically I'm sad that Dr. Ed has to fly from Durango to New York City on Sunday. That's the way feelings are sometimes.

So I tip my helmet to both Mag & Ed and thank them for the memories and good times on our journey, and to Mag at least, I look forward to more adventure to come.



At 9/07/2006 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed keeping up with your progress since your stay with us in Adrian. I have begun riding again thanks to your and Maggie's inspiration. Feelings are complicated. It's alright to need some alone time to think about them. I continue to pray for your safety.


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