Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Day 61 (Wed) O Sara/Sarah/Sera, where art thou?

Strange that I am on my second x-country trip (plus other long distance tours) yet I was reluctant to ride Main St/highway 550 in front of my motel. In my defense, it is dodgy with lots of speeding pickup trucks and semis, no shoulder, and sewer grates along the edges, and it was raining. So I stayed here and relaxed and didn't meet Mag&Ed for sightseeing in the charming historic area of Durango (the rest you may as well avoid, except to access accomodation if you aren't at one of the upscale hotels downtown).

I did meet at the hot tub, among others, Sara/Sarah/Sera (spelling unknown), and we were having a nice conversation. Then I went to the room and spoke with Mag (for perhaps too long) and she was gone when I returned. We were speaking mostly about my tour so I know little about her except that she's staying at the motel.



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