Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Day 61: (Wed) Addressing reader comments

I give my thanks to the readers who have left comments on my blog.

I noticed that recently a reader called me a 'jerk' because I wasn't riding with Mag & Ed all the time. I'm surprised that my decision to take some time for myself is so controversial. I really enjoyed my journey to Balcony House on my bike even though it was a bit tough and I got back late; I would have missed that experience had I stayed with Mag & Ed that day. Mag & Ed are good friends with a lot in common and I think they appreciate spending time together just the two of them as well (I admitted that I was jealous of their relationship. Is jealousy an emotion with which this reader is wholly unfamiliar?).

Is my answer satisfactory? Perhaps my would be detractor would like to identify himself or herself rather than addressing me from the shadows?



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