Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day 41 (Thu) noon, Sheridan Lake, KS; Cyclist encounter

Maggie's Adventure Cycling Transamerica map 7 showed Sheridan Lake had ample food services, however Dave H.'s more updated map showed Sheridan Lake has nothing but a post office. Unfortunately there aren't any services here for non-farmers; the convenience store has been abandoned.

We encountered 2 groups of cyclists in Sheridan Lake, heading east:

Ed & Jim (will post photo later), a father and son cycling team heading east, doing the whole Transamerica route.

6 British cyclists (photo) on identical Cannondale road bikes with BOB trailers, heading eastbound on Western Express/ Transamerica. One of the them hit a car the day previously, snapping his frame in half. Fortunately, his travel insurance paid for a new bike. The brits bought their bikes and trailers in the US where they are much cheaper and remarked that things were inexpensive in the US due to the favorable currency exchange for British pound holders.



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