Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Day 40 (Scott City, KS to Tribune, KS) with Maggie and Dave H

(photos. Top: Maggie gives peace sign when entering the town of Leoti about 25 miles into the ride from Scott City. Middle: the 'shoulder' on today's ride with many semi trucks on highway 96 as seen from my recumbent cockpit (to be fair, most of the time the shoulder was a loaded bicycle width) Bottom: Dave H, me, and Pastor Randolph of the Tribune Baptist Church who arranged accomodation for us in the elementary school)

We passed several enormous feedlots on our ride today on KS highway 96. I estimate that one of them could have had 10,000 cows fattening up for slaughter. See Maggie's blog for photo and exclusive report.
I was riding just so-so today. I ate only the 1 special combination dinner last night at the "La Fiesta" restaurant in Scott City. Maggie thought I should get a second but I just ate lots of the free chips. I guess she was right. Dave H. was hurting too because he forgot his morning coffee. We got breakfast in Leoti about 25 miles into our ride but even after that I didn't have that much energy. I'll try to eat more tonight.

While in Leoti, Maggie spoke to our waitress Cynthia and found out that a Doctor and his wife in Tribune have a vacant guest house (where the wife's parents lived before they passed away) which can house visiting cyclists. However, we found out later than the doctor had rented the house.
There is only one motel in Tribune, the Trails End. Maggie and Dave H were ok to take it ($51 for 3 people) but Dave H found evidence of some sort of bed bug so we didn't stay there.
While Maggie and Dave were grocery shopping in Tribune at Gooch's Foods (503 Broadway St), I went to the Methodist Church looking for accomodation. Methodist pastor Ellis was out of town, but I spoke to Mr. Ellis' secretary and a board member of the church but it was a no-go.
Fortunately, Pastor Randolph (see photo above) of the Baptist Church agreed to house us. Initially, he was going to house us in the church but instead spoke with the elementary school principal and housed us in the gym (cost $0) where they have showers. The first day of school for the kids is tomorrow so we will need to be out by 7 AM but that is no problem.



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