Friday, January 19, 2007

Tepic, Nayarit

When we arrived in Tepic yesterday, a city of some 300,000 I was as usual dismayed by all the cars, noise and traffic although people werent aggressive. Although many Mexicans have few material possessions, we havent seen much grinding poverty here certainly not enough to motivate Mexicans to head north on the dangerous journey to sneak across the US border. Our conclusion is that the people doing this live to the south or in the interior of the country. The Mexicans here not just in touristy areas but in general seem quite prosperous.

We have been staying in hotels in major cities. Here we were initially seeing hotels in the 270-350 peso range for 2. I recommend the Hotel Pasadena which is walking distance of the central plazas and is 100 pesos for 2, with private bathroom and television. I think the rooms without bath are downstairs, we ended up carrying our bikes up to the first floor. Note that rooms are available for 2 hour rental for half the regular rate, you can guess what that means.

This morning, we have had time to explore the central plazas which are quite nice and see the Governors Palace, etc. I have a better impression of it now although as a visitor I still prefer smaller places like Acaponeta, Nayarit. It is worth stopping here though one night was enough.


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