Sunday, January 14, 2007

14 enero - la tierra continental Mazatlàn

We took the ferry yesterday at 1530 (the departure time of 1700 I previously posted was inaccurate even though it was printed on the window at the Baja Ferry office in downtown La Paz on 5 de febrero street). Fortunately, we arrived in time to take the ferry despite not knowing about the early departure. On the plus side, the price for bikes is 150 per bike, not 300. 1 basic dinner and 1 basic breakfast are included, which may remind you of the school lunches of your youth.

The journey lasted 18 hours; we arrived in Mazatlan around 0900. We met a couple travelling with a triple bike (husband John & 2 boys) and the wife (Nancy) had her own mountain bike. The triple tows a bob trailer. It is so long that it is very difficult to manuever in city and it won't fit in many hotel rooms. They have a website but I don't know the address right now. I will post the URL later.

We are staying at hotel Vialta in the old town center (180 for 2 people, John & Nancy are paying 220 for 2 adults and 2 children in a 2 bed room). It is well located to explore the old town.

So far Mazatlan seems pretty nice though we aren't doing too much regular tourist sightseeing of cities. We have been to the nice central market and seen the Cathedral, which has mass in progress. Fortunately, the stores selling tourist wares and not aggressive and brushing them off hasn't been a constant chore.

We checked in early so we have the full day to see Mazatlan and tomorrow until checkout which I believe is 1300. Then we ride south in the direction of Tepic. We have heard that part of the road between Mazatlan and Tepic is two lane very heavy traffic and nearly suicidal to ride on, so say cyclists who have done the entire Pan American cycle odyssey from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Likely we will ride only the portion which is 4 lane then hitch the rest of the way to Tepic, avoiding this dangerous section in the name of discretion.


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