Tuesday, January 16, 2007

16 enero - Mazatlan, Sinaloa, journey to El Rosario Sinaloa

Last photo: Jen picks up a chile that fell on the highway from a passing truck. There were more chiles than we could carry.

On our second night in Mazatlan we decided to be like regular tourists and see a movie. We went to a double feature of "Eragon" and "Casino Royale" at the Zona Dorada (Golden Zone) theater for 38 pesos each. Actually, it wasn't officially a double feature but there was hardly anyone there and nobody seemed to care what we were doing.

We stayed at the Hotel Venados (80 pesos, considerably cheaper than the 220 pesos we had paid in the old town Hotel Vialta). It wasn't too nice with dust and dirt on the walls and a complimentary nudie picture in the bathroom but it had a private bathroom with warmer than freezing water and it was a place to stay.


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