Wednesday, January 17, 2007

17 enero - Acaponeta, Nayarit: Jen suffers heatstroke, treated in urgent clinic

You may recall several weeks ago, when we had been in Mexico about a week and we were in the northern part of Baja, I came down with Turista. We anticipated this might happen and figured it was the price of living as the locals do and eating their food, and that I would recover and henceforth would be relatively immune therafter. That was true in my case.

About a week and a half ago, Jen came down with something similar. Unfortunately, her condition took a turn for the worse several days ago and she was in pain much of the time. She just didn't seem to be getting better. After riding 90 km from El Rosario, Sinaloa to Acaponeta, Nayarit I talked her into making an appointment for the clinic. I tried a couple of places, and the staff agreed that being in near continuous pain was justification for going to the urgent clinic.

We paid the 100 pesos, a bit over US $9 and the doctor saw us almost immediately. The diagnosis was turista, with complications from heatstroke and dehydration. They injected her with a rehydration solution and prescribed an electrolyte drink and a few other medicines.

Jen has been making sure she drinks more and seems to be getting better now. We were both impressed that she could get in to see the doctor right away for only $9. I shudder to think how much an urgent clinic visit would cost in the US.



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