Monday, January 22, 2007

arriving in the mainland-From Jen

I knew from all the conversations with locals that the traffic would be greatly increased on the mainland, but you really canĀ“t imagine how scary it can be until you are riding the small (sometimes no) shoulder that is constructed for traffic to pull of the road and yes for crazy cyclist to ride on.

The buses are like the big greyhound ones in the US and pass by every 5 to 10 minutes. They are usually accompanied by a semi trailer that is pulling a double semi, so just when you think the semi has passed the doulble trailer starts (this is when you really want to hang on and stay the white line, to right of it if their is any right). The best shoulder(about 1/2 to a foot) in general is where you need it on the up hills and the curves, so thank goodness for them. I have only had to jump off my bike twice in the mainland because of the shoulder ending while a semi was beside me. In Baja the traffic was so light that their was not usually on-coming traffic at the same time, this is not true of the mainland. It is very nice to be resting in PV for a couple of days. Thank you JM!


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