Friday, September 08, 2006

Day 63 (Fri) At Budget Inn until Sunday morning

I'm staying at the Budget Inn again ($81 for 1 person/2 nights, 3077 Main Ave Durango CO 81301 970-247-5222). It is raining now and I was content just to stay in my motel room and relax for the morning. I fell asleep even though I thought I got enough sleep last night so maybe I will have difficulty sleeping tonight.

The forecast is thunderstorms for today (Fri) and scattered thunderstorms for tomorrow (Sat) so I figured I'd mostly stay in and just do short rides (that's why I booked the motel for 2 days: stay dry & warm, do some reading at the library, and use the hot tub and pool if I feel like it). No more sleeping on steep hillsides and sliding down to the bottom of my tent, at least for a few days.

I'm pretty restless to get on the road (and to the presumably drier Utah to the west) but Dr. Ed is flying out of Durango back to New York on Sunday so I'm staying here both to see him off and to wait for Mag, who will continue west with me on Sunday.

I sent a package to my Dad today via USPS priority mail. It contains, among other things, my hydration bladder that I'm sick of carrying but not using because the bite valve leaks (the replacement bite valve I bought in Ridgway, CO also leaks).



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