Tuesday, February 20, 2007

20 Febrary - Barra Vieja, Gro. Stress, fight, Jen leaves

We have been staying at one of the many low key beach restaurants called Puesta del Sol. The proprietress, Genarita has been very nice to us and we camped last night.

Although both Jen and I have learned a lot, and this has been one of Jen's few travel experiences outside the US, it has been hard for her at times having to adapt to so many things like a different language, food, and customs and she's finally worn down and wants to return to the SF Bay area. Ever since the noise and chaos of Acapulco she has been restless.

For example, this morning I realized the nylon bag was missing and conjectured that dogs had taken it. We disagreed on the seriousness of losing a nylon bag, with her saying that she couldnt trust me and criticizing me for leaving it outside the tent where dogs could get it. I couldnt understand how she could be so upset about a nylon bag. I realize that she is just tired and ready to go home and she doesnt have a lot of energy left.

I know from experience that I need to give Jen space when she is a bad mood and that chasing after her accomplishes nothing except make her more angry. Around noon today she left, saying that she would see me at the airport (referring to our flight on the 27th, one week from today).

Ill be staying at the Puesta del Sol restaurant again tonight, camping there in case Jen returns. Tomorrow I plan to go in the direction of Acapulco and get a hotel room so I can see movies on Wednesday, the discount day.

I dont have a mobile anymore, so there is no easy way for Jen to reunite with me after tomorrow when I leave Barra Vieja. Jen doesnt have camping gear so she cant camp really although she could lie on the ground with her clothes on and she would be warm enough. She could also get a hotel room if she wanted. I think that people will help her and some will speak English if she decides to remain on her own during our remaining week in México. I hope she does return but I am at peace with her decision.


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