Monday, February 19, 2007

19 Febrero - Difficulties getting box for continental flight

For now, any other plans for our remaining time here in Mèxico have been put on hold. To my amazement, we called the Mexican Continental helpline and they told us that boxes are required for bikes but they don´t have any and can´t get any. In effect, we wouldn´t be able to bring our bikes on the plane unless we had our own box. We have been scouring various stores like costco, etc. for boxes and we have found some in parking lots but the best we can do is try to build our own franken box out of pieces of smaller boxes.

The continental desk was closed yesterday so we couldn´t talk to them in person at the Acapulco airport. Today on Monday they should be open so we will talk to them. We need to know that they will accept an improvised box, can supply a real box, or we´ll have to take the bus instead.

My bee-stung hand is doing better and my cold seems to have disappeared.


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