Monday, February 12, 2007

12 febrero - Our first time surfing at Los Llanos beach Guerrero

Los Llanos by reputation is one of the best places around for beginning surfers, because the waves are fairly predictable and not too big. The experienced surfers are out there at about 730, but only a few remain when the winds kick up around 1100 because the surfing isnt too good by then.

I didn´t really manage to stand up on the board on a wave but I do understand the procedure better than I did. I have to paddle like crazy downwave then hop on and turn the board across the wave. It is much easier said than done.

The board rental is 50 pesos per hour, 200 pesos per day, or 500 per week. I couldnt surf more than 1 hour, and indeed Jen & I shared just a half hour. It is pretty tiring with all the rowing to catch the waves not to mention getting beat up when the board flies away (it was attached to my ankle with a lanyard). I disregarded the advice to stay near shore and went where the waves were a bit bigger, near where the more experience surfers were. Timing is very important.

Jen did a bit better than I did, at least she could surf a bit on her belly even though she couldn´t stand. I took this photo through Jens binoculars which is why it is rather blurry.


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