Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Miercoles 12/27; Vizcaino, la dentista Alvarado

We rode very quickly from Guerrero Negro to Vizcaino starting around 14:30, and arriving at 17:00. We had a tailwind which helped us but nevertheless our feet were hurting from pushing our speed.

We grabbed some tasty tacos and beans for 20 pesos, a relief since many places without menus make up the price when they present the bill. As we were riding out of town to get some distance to San Ignacio before nightfall, I decided to stop in at the dentist, a senor Alvarado for a checkup.

Jen's teeth were fine but I have 6 teeth in precavity stage, with 2 being serious. He had time to work on my teeth so I decided we would repair the 2 seriously precavity teeth and leave the remaining 4 for later. He drilled away the diseased portions and cleaned and dried them, then he applied resin to one, and the traditional silver/mercury amalgam to the other which was a bit deeper (700 pesos). We were there for several hours. He advised me that the remaining 4 were less urgent but should get resin on the remaining 4 within about 6 months, and that dentists further south would be cheaper.


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