Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thu 11/30; Tinker's Workshop / Street Level Cycles

Jen was busy at her apartment so I rode to the Tinker's Workshop (, Tue/Thu bike lab, where they provide tools and some help so you can work on your own bike. One could buy used frames, wheels, and components to throw together one's own bike.
The truing stand was in use so I couldn't redish Jen's rear wheel for the new freewheel, but Jen came by and we tried some replacement stems that would raise her handlebars, and we bought one for $5. We'll have to take off her handlebar tape, shifters, and brakes to get the handlebars off, then put the stem on, then put everything back together again. Thanks to Sasa (sp?) who volunteers at the workshop for being so helpful.


Thu 11/30; Scharrfen Berger chocolate tour

Danny explains the old school chocolate making process and the theobroma cacao plant at Scharrfen Berger chocolate in Berkeley (tour is free, 7 tours a day; 914 Heinz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94710, 510-981-4050,

Jen samples the dark & semi sweet chocolate. Yum! We also tried the "nibs" or bits of chopped cacao seed.

In the factory, we had to wear ear protection and hairnets.

They let us see the actual chocolate making process, and as you could see we could take pictures on the factory floor.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wed 11/29: No class, preparing for tour, "Earth odyssey"

I didn't go to Physics class so I could do some research, order some tour-related things. Jen hasn't reached mutual agreement with any of the prospective house sitters so she updated the ad on Craigslist and spent time talking with candidates.

I'm still reading "Earth Odyssey" (an environmental work, based on his travels around the world for nearly a decade) by Mark Hertsgaard. I recommend it, though it is about 8 or so years old so some of its information is a bit out of date.

We will tour the Scharffen Berger chocolate ( factory in Berkeley tomorrow at 10:30.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tue 11/28; raw vegetable dinner @ Cafe Gratitude

We had dinner at a vegan raw food restaurant, Cafe Gratitude. It was overpriced ($14 for a little raw food pseudo-burger on a cracker) but it was worth it for the experience of eating at a raw food "restaurant".


Tue 11/28; Tasty food, Pilates class

We had some tasty food from a street vendor at one of many Berkeley farmer's markets. We shared chicken skewers and vegetables on some nearby steps; It got a bit cold after sunset for how I was dressed.

Jen went to teach a Pilates class at Yogakula; I went with her. Nobody showed up, so the two of us worked out together. Jen has her own Pilates reformer machine but this way both of us could work out together, rather than me working out while she instructs.


Tue 11/28; Physics, missed Tinkers Workshop

We all have off days, and today was one of mine though it got better in the evening.

I couldn't get into Dr. Harris' physics lecture (09:30 - 11:00). Nothing against him; arriving so late in the term makes it harder to catch up but his teaching style doesn't engage me emotionally. I won't go to the T-Th Physics class anymore. There is only one more week of class before finals anyway. So I left around 10 AM.

We were planning to go to a special bike repair session at Tinkers Workshop from 14:00 - 18:00. Our objective would have been to install the 6 speed freewheel if possible (which is tricky because of the small rear triangle spacing on this bike). However, Jen took a nap for several hours and I didn't wake her, and I slept too even though I have had plenty of sleep lately. So she woke up cranky that she slept and missed so much of the limited daylight and we didn't go to the Tinkers Workshop. We plan to go there on Thursday when she doesn't work.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Mon 11/27: Physics, Bike maint, Jen goes to Jeff's 'anniversary'

I skipped the 08:00 Physics 7a today, but I went to the 7b at 09:00. At the a good portion of it was interested; Prof. Irfan discussed experimental methods as well as applications of magnetic fields and materials, as well as the 3 fundamental types of magnetic materials: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism.

After class finished, I had the usual $4.50 3-item lunch special at the Little Mandarin in Downtown Berkeley, and then I met Jen at the Missing Link bicycle shop.

I tightened the spokes on the front wheel (of the Specialized Sequoia touring bike) & Jen took off the front fender. It took us a while to get the headset apart, but we bought new bearings and got it greased and put back together. Although Jen thinks her her handlebars are too low, we didn't replace the stem because it would have been quite a bit of work to take the brakes, shifters, and handlebar tape off the stem. Her 6 speed freewheel is a very narrow Suntour model where is no longer available. Replacing it with a Shimano 14-28T freewheel ($14, with tax part only) will involve adjusting the spoke tension and adding spacers to allow additional clearance on the wheel's right side for the increased thickness of the new freewheel. We made an appointment with the Missing Link service dept to install the new freewheel (about $30 labor).

Tomorrow we will go to the Tinker's Workshop. We already have the replacement Shimano freewheel, so we may be able to install it ourselves at the bike clinic (14:00 - 18:00).

Jen left for the evening to go to Jeff's 'birthday' party. He was her friend and former boyfriend who committed suicide in May of this year.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sun 11/26: rainy day in East Bay

We're having a rainy day, one of the first since arriving in San Fran on Halloween. In many ways this is welcome because I feel I have to get outside and so stuff when it is sunny, so Jen & I can take it easy.

Jen and I will watch a French movie, "Confidences trop intimes".


Saturday, November 25, 2006

11/25 Sat; Preparation for Mexico, wheel truing

We're preparing for our bike trip to Mexico; we placed a craigslist ad for Jen to sublet her place for a few months and she got about 15 e-mails so far. Maybe her price is low. Jen needs some maintenance on her bike, so we went to Velo-sport (1615 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94703, 510-849-0497) looking at tires and a 6 speed freewheel. They had a few 6 speed freewheels, which we noted but didn't buy.

We went to Berkeley Saturday Farmer's Market, which has a bike mechanic from Bicycle Friendly Berkeley Coalition. It was Austin, who also works at the Downtown Berkeley bikestation secured bicycle parking facility. Jen's spokes were loose, so I tightened them some and improved the truing on the rear wheel. Austin was willing to sell us the 14-28T 6 speed Shimano freewheel for only $10. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it fit because it is fatter than the Suntour derailleur it was replacing. So I ended up not buying the Shimano freewheel and we left. I'd like to true/tighten Jen's front wheel as well. Missing Link bike co-op (1988 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 510-843-7471) provides bike tools and a workspace to the public for free.


Friday, November 24, 2006

11/24 Fri: REI, home haircut

I went to REI to check out the sale and see if they could repair my Shimano SD75 biking sandals, which have a worn out tread in the back. The worn sandal tread doesn't affect on bike use but if it continues to wear will render them unsuitable for off bike use. REI's techs could repair it, but it would take a few weeks to get the replacement tread. I'm better off having them repaired at a regular shoe repair place.

I didn't buy anything at REI; Jen bought a synthetic sports top and a security belt for use in Mexico.

I was fed up with my poofy hair so I bought an inexpensive hair clipper at Walgreens ($10.86 with tax) and Jen cut my hair today with the #3 clipper guard. She did a good job.

Fri 11/24: Bike ride to Berkeley, errands, Falafel

It was another sunny day, typical for the East Bay.

Jen & I rode bikes to Berkeley, ran some errands, went to Mike's Bikes of Berkeley (2135 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94704 510-549-8350) and Missing Link Bicycle Co-op (1988 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704 510-843-7471) looking for a replacement 6 speed freewheel for Jen's Sequoia touring bike so we will be ready for Mexico. Missing Link had one but the granny was only 28 tooth which I think wouldn't give Jen gears low enough, and it was pricey at $25 + tax for old technology. There is a guy at the Berkeley Saturday farmer's market who has older stuff, as well as they Tinker's Workshop; we will try those places to see if they have any new freewheels. In my view, it isn't worth messing around with used ones.

Later we got a Vegetarian platter at Mediterranean ($8.50 for 2 since we shared, no table service; not to be confused with La Mediterranee where we have been several times; 1984 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 510-540-9997).


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thu 11/23 (early) Thanksgiving dinner @ Katie & Adam's

We took our bicycles to Fruitvale, near Oakland for an early Thanksgiving dinner at Katie & Adam's, who are friends of Chancy's. The dinner started around 15:00, presumably so people could get together with their own families around the traditional dinnertime in the evening. Most of the guests were chemists or chemical engineers.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wed 11/22; Physics, stocking up for thanksgiving

Photo: Jen at stoplight during our ride from Emeryville to Berkeley Bowl.

The last classes (08:00 Physics 7a fluid mechanics, 09:00 elec & magnetism) before the Thanksgiving holiday weren't too helpful. For some reason I couldn't really get into them. I need to do some more problems and it would really help to have someone else my own age interested in physics as well.

We stocked up on food from Berkeley Bowl in case we have Thanksgiving dinner alone but we are hoping to have dinner with David Freck or Chancy's friends.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tue 11/21; Chinese express

I had been eating very healthy lately so when I got out of class I went to a Chinese express restaurant for some cheap food that would appeal to all the students in Berkeley. 2 of the 3 items I got were primarily vegetables; the other was Chicken curry. I had fried rice; they didn't have any steamed brown rice.


Tue 11/21; Physics Marris 7b; Oscillating masses

Top - Prof Marris demonstrates the different normal modes predicted by the equations, using a forced oscillator and 4 masses connected by identical springs. The equations predicted the amplitude of oscillation, as well as the phase variation. Bottom - Using the same equations to describe the waves in a string.

The solution to these equations as a little messy; not precisely an analytic solution. For some reason I wasn't too interested in the actual math but I liked the demonstration.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Mon 11/20: physics

I attended the Physics 7a, which covered more fluid dynamics. It was relatively interesting and a good review. The Physics H7b elec & magnetism was talking about capacitance & Dielectrics though I wasn't familiar enough with the magnetic monopole, dipole & quadrapole equation to follow the last part of the lecture. I spent some of the rest of the day reviewing the Simple Nature book though I burned out on it a bit, it would be nice to have someone with whom to study this stuff.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sun 11/19: Bike ride in Oakland hills, @Home salsa practice

We had a longer ride in the Oakland hills today. I was on Jen's Masi 2 chainring road bike. I was more comfortable on this ride because I was wearing less - even in November it is quite hot when climbing. I was wearing just a tank top and shorts. Also, I put my vest on the handlebars to cushion my hands since I don't have riding gloves.

Jen have started practicing salsa at her apartment as well. I downloaded some excellent podcasts from for us to use in our practice. Fortunately, she has a hardwood floor.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sat 11/18: hand powered cycles, Tinkers Workshop

Riding around Aquatic Lake on our hand crank trikes. Even though it was pretty flat it was tiring compared to a leg powered bike.

Receiving instruction at the Borp facility on Bolivar Drive in Aquatic Park on operation of the hand crank trike. The first trike I tried had lean steering (where the entire seat is on a semi-independent carriage and rocks from side to side) but it had a flat so I took a trike with a regular headset.


We ran into a couple riding a Greenspeed recumbent tandem trike, and they told us they rented it for a very modest price from Borp, which maintains a warehouse of hand crank bikes and trikes for people with disabilities. Many are made by wheelchair companies such as Invacare and donated to Borp. Check out their website at

After that we went next door to Tinker's Workshop (84 Bolivar Drive, Berkeley CA 94701, 510-644-2577,,, a non-profit company refurbishing and selling used bikes and parts, and providing a workshop for outsiders to work on their own bikes, not unlike the Bike Church in Santa Cruz.


Sat 11/18: Mt Hardwear sale, Costco

Photo: I sample several Cheesecake Factory samples at the Richmond Costco next door to the Mountain Hardwear warehouse. I didn't like being in Costco so we didn't stay for long (these huge stores are a bit overwhelming).

When Jen returned from work we rode to Richmond for the Mt Hardware outlet sale. It was such a zoo though that we didn't stay long. I did notice that there weren't any tents or sleeping bags (those were probably gone long before we arrived). There were lots of cheap clothes & jackets but without a clear purpose in mind I think I'd be buying stuff just because it looks nice and is cheap. I have to be careful about buying stuff when travelling by bike, even though I am staying put in the East Bay for the time being.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fri 11/17: Downloading physics textbooks

I went to Half Price Books in Berkeley but didn't find a suitable physics textbook so I downloaded several free textbooks from the internet and I'll review those (for example, a Calculus based physics book called Simple Nature).


Fri 11/17: UC Berkeley Physics 7a, H7b lectures

Physics 7a 08:00 - pretty interesting, covering properties of fluids
Physics H7b 09:00 - Deriving Maxwell's equations, demonstration of two propogating e-m waves producing one standing e-m wave; Note to self: Need to derive Maxwell's equations on my own, acquaint myself with some mathematical terminology I have either forgotten or didn't learn very well, become better aquainted with differential forms of equations.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thu 11/16: Didn't go to salsa class

Jen's still busy with David so we won't be going to salsa at Allegro in Emeryville tonight 19:00. Fortunately we had a salsa lesson yesterday.


Thu 11/16: Jen's friend David arrives

I was planning to try the Physics Honors 7a course today from 09:30 to 11:00 with Prof. Marris. Recall that the class was having a midterm exam on Tuesday so I left. I didn't go so I could see Jen when she returned from her job, which turned out to be a mistake because she had to work longer and take samples to the lab.

Jen's friend David arrived today from Portland. He worked for Microsoft many years ago and still involves himself with computer stuff including some stuff related to computer semantics. He and Jen went hiking; I didn't want to ride in the car so I went for a walk instead.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

11-15 Wed: Salsa Class @ UC Berkeley

We took a salsa class (not the same venue or series as the one at Allegro Ballroom last week) at 19:30 tonight at Hearst Gym UC Berkeley. It was $7 per person for non-students ($5 for students). We learned some good moves; unfortunately we pushed ourselves a bit hard earlier with bike riding and Jen got a bit sick from sardines she ate and me twirling her around. But it was worth it even though we didn't participate in the class for the whole 90 minutes and left a bit early.


Wed 11/15: UC Berkeley physics H7B: Electricity & Magnetism

Professor Irfan demonstrated eddy currents in the electricity & magnetism lecture. He supercooled an aluminum ring with liquid nitrogen, and used a solenoid to project it so hard it hit the ceiling. He shot a room temperature, copper ring a few feet into the air but wouldn't supercool it because it would be such a good conductor that it could cause damage when it flew into the air.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tue 11/14: Hiking the cataract trail

Jen & I are hiking the Cataract trail north of San Francisco, in Marin County. There are a lot of waterfalls! And a good number of slugs.


Tue 11/14: Physics H7a class exam

I went to LeConte hall again to attend the Honors Physics 7a T-Th 09:30 - 11:00 hoping it would be more interesting. However, they were having midterm exams so I didn't stay.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Mon 11/13: switch to blogger beta; no mobile posting yet

I switched to the new blogger software in beta, and I have a new mobile account. Between the two, I haven't been able to post from mobile yet.


Mon 11/13 Physics lectures 7a, honors 7b

I attended 2 physics lectures today in Le Conte hall at Berkeley today. The second one, honors 7b electricity and magnetism, was more interesting. I spoke with the professor (first name Irfan) and I will attend his lecture again on Wednesday. I'll attend a class on Tuesday morning if I can find something interesting.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sun 11/12; SF Green Festival '06

We're at the San Fran Green Festival 06 ($7 per person for cyclists). I have been hoovering many types of organic fair trade food samples including chocolate. The plastic utensils and sample containers are all made from biodegradable corn and potato starches.

I liked the Solio solar powered universal device charger by Better Energy Systems ( and; they were selling it for $75 which is cheaper than regular retail. I was tempted to get one, but I decided to research it a bit more. For example, I need to figure out where I'll mount it on my recumbent touring bike since presently I don't have a rear rack (I have 2 panniers on an underseat rack on my Rans recumbent).


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sat 11/11 Dr Steven Jones 9/11 lecture @ Berkeley Life Sciences Building

We're at the 9/11 lecture on the Twin Towers presented by, among others, the esteemed Dr Steven Jones, a physics professor at Brigham Young University and fusion researcher at the Dept of Energy. He believes that only demolition charges could have caused (particularly building 7) the tower collapse (see and

Sat 11/11 Lunch @ Cancun Berkeley

We stopped in for lunch at Cancun sabor mexicana (2134 Allston Way) in Berkeley on our way to a lecture on the physics of the attack of the Twin Towers.

Fri 11/10 Humanist Hall; Synthetic Sea

Jen & I rode our bikes to the Humanist Hall in Oakland for a by donation showing of "Our synthetic sea" which I think is about plastic & other pollution in the ocean.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Fri 11/10 Dave @ Bikestation

Dave @ Downtown Berkeley Bikestation retrieves my bike. We spoke about Mexico which is friendly but sadly has little regard for cyclists and pedestrians on the roads in his view. Contrary to his expectations, he didn't see squalid poverty.

Fri 11/10 Le Conte (physics) hall closed

I went to UC Berkeley this morning to crash a physics lecture at 08:00. The campus was strangely deserted. When I reached Le Conte hall, it was locked. Then I realized it is Veterans Day today.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thu 11/09 Salsa @ Allegro Ballroom

Garry & Viola instruct Jen & me in basic salsa moves at Allegro Ballroom ($12/person, may attend both beginner lesson at 19:00 and intermediate lesson at 20:00, and dance at 21:00; 5855 Christie Ave Emeryville, CA 94608, 510-655-2888) near Jen's apartment. They were fairly advanced lessons, even the beginner lesson taught cross body lead, and the intermediate lesson had a lot of moves I'd never seen.


Thu 11/09 discontinuing mobile service (206)

I'm discontinuing my mobile service with the 206 area code after Nov 13. My e-mail address will remain. If you need to reach me using a "phone number", you can "call" Jen's phone.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wed 11/08 - Jen @ Baxter's Iron Wks yoga

Jen adopts a challenging leg stretching position in Baxter's yoga class at Berkeley Iron Works (800 Potter St Berkeley, CA 94710 510-981-9900).

Wed 11/08 - Joel @ Berkeley Bikestation

Joel at Downtown Berkeley Bikestation accepts my claim ticket and fetches my bike from secure, attended storage. It is a free service.

Wed 11/08 - UC Berkeley campus

I'm checking out the wooded UC Berkeley campus. I'll try auditing a class or two for fun while I'm in the East Bay.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tue 11/07 - free Museum entry @ MOMA

The first Tuesday of each month is free at the San Fran Museum of Modern Art (MOMA); normally admission is $12.50 for adults.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mon 11/06 - night ride, Monte Cristo

I enjoy night riding because it is very quiet and peaceful. Here we enjoy a meal at La Taqueria Monte Cristo during our night ride to Berkeley.

Mon 11/06 Cheese sample @ Berkeley Bowl

Jen enjoys a cheese sample at Berkeley Bowl.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sun 11/05 Dinner w Chancy @ La Mediterranee

After climbing tunnel hill, we met Jen's friend Chancy in Berkeley at La Mediteranee ($30 for 3 with tip though Chancy just had soup; 2936 College Ave Berkeley, 94705 510-540-7773). I didn't realize that I was so hungry until I started eating. I'm glad I got a full meal rather than sharing with Jen (Jen was very nice and picked up the check for the 3 of us).

Sun 11/05 Sunset on tunnel hill

We're taking a break from sweating up tunnel hill. The sun will set in a few minutes.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sat 11/04 evening

Jen & I went to Heather's house for a while. When we got back, Jen lead me through a gyrotonic workout which felt good. She's working out on the machine now, then we will watch a movie later.

Sat 11/04 Farmer's market, Elephant pharmacy

We stopped at the Berkeley Saturday farmer's market and bought some organic grapes ($2.50 / pound) & organic spinach ($5 / pound), then we went to Elephant Pharmacy and rented for videos ($1 / day / video): Alexander, Votes for Women, Memoirs of a Geisha and Once Were Warriors.

Sat 11/04 Jen's Masi road bike

I'm riding Jen's Masi 2 front chainring road bike. It is light. The riding position takes some getting used to, especially after being on a 'bent.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fri 11/03 - Bow position @ Iron Works yoga class

I'm in 'bow position' at Berkeley Iron Works gym (800 Potter St
Berkeley, CA 94710 510-981-9900) in Raven's yoga class with Jen.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thu 11/02 Not used to fried food, return to east bay

I'm not sorry I went to Chinatown SF and tried eating something new, but my system isn't used to so much fried food and just about everything I had was fried. I'll be OK. I've got to run to meet Jen at the Bart station to return to the East Bay, because she's teaching a Pilates class at 17:45.

Thu 11/02 Chinatown many item lunch

I wandered into Chinatown so I decided to get some food. I'm having the house special ($5) at Dick Lee Pastry shop (777 Jackson St, San Francisco, 94133 415-397-0788) which consists of about 6 individual Dim Sum like items including a lemon pie like dessert, plus a drink of my choice. Not healthy, but a good value.

Thu 11/02 Cut loose in the rainy city

After Jen returned from one client at 10:00, she went to 'the city' (SF) to do an ergonomic study & I went with her. While she's with the client, I'm free to wander the rainy city.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wed 11/01 Allergy to grass in green smoothie (?), Dinner at Cafe Raj

I had a few green smoothies today, which Jen blends from various greens like carrot tops, collard, and other greens. I think I may have had an allergic reaction to the last one because I started sneezing. Of course I don't know if it was an allergy or just my cold coming back but I felt a bit weird during our bike ride along the Bay Trail which we ended up cutting a bit short but we made it to Albany just west of Berkeley and had dinner at Cafe Raj (1158 Solano Ave Albany, CA 94706 510-524-5667; about $15 for 2; we didn't eat that much).

Since it gets dark early we'll probably go to sleep early. Jen works tomorrow at 06:00 again.

Wed 11/01 Bike ride

I did a little maintenance of Jen's Schwinn mountain bike. It is very light and I can lock out the front shock for road riding. Now I'm testing the seat height and shifting so we can go for a ride (Recall I left my Rans recumbent at Greg's apartment in LA while I visit Jen). Notice the yellow cap I'm wearing under my helmet.

Wed 11/01 @ Jen's

I'm at Jen's today. Jen is working 06:00 to 10:00 again today. We'll go for a bike ride after I rest. I'll be riding one of her 3 bikes (1 touring, 1 road & 1 mountain).