Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wed 11/01 Allergy to grass in green smoothie (?), Dinner at Cafe Raj

I had a few green smoothies today, which Jen blends from various greens like carrot tops, collard, and other greens. I think I may have had an allergic reaction to the last one because I started sneezing. Of course I don't know if it was an allergy or just my cold coming back but I felt a bit weird during our bike ride along the Bay Trail which we ended up cutting a bit short but we made it to Albany just west of Berkeley and had dinner at Cafe Raj (1158 Solano Ave Albany, CA 94706 510-524-5667; about $15 for 2; we didn't eat that much).

Since it gets dark early we'll probably go to sleep early. Jen works tomorrow at 06:00 again.


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