Tuesday, January 09, 2007

09 enero - La Paz & ride to Todos Santos

I will be switching back to English for now on this blog, for the benefit of the primarily English speaking audience.

Our campsite in La Paz, a city of some nearly 300,000 inhabitants. Finding a safe place to camp in a real city is more difficult, but we found this someone delapidated facility on the water where the kids drive up in their cars to mac on each other.

La Paz has a beautiful Malecòn (seaside promenade)

Dean from Montana, the first cyclist we have seen for a while. He was travelling with his wife but she took off and didn´t wait for the photo op.

The Pescadero beach is about 1.5km south of town on a paved road, then an unmarked right turn and down 2km on a sand road. Neither of us had the tires for sandy roads so we had to push our bikes. In thick sand it is quite difficult.


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