Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween06 Still resting @ Jen's

I'm not as active as I thought I'd be today. I've slept a lot but still I feel well, which could be a function of the unknown but perhaps 2-3 hours of sleep last night on the bus (despite that, I still feel the overnight bus is an excellent way to get between SF and LA). Tonight Jen & I are planning to pass out candy at her friend Heather's house in Oakland.

Halloween06 @ Chez jen

I walked from the Oakland Greyhound station to Jen's in Emeryville without incident though I was tired when I arrived, in no small part from carrying the panniers which have little provision for carrying off bike. Jen came back from work around 10:30.

Halloween06 Arrival @ Oakland Greyhound (06:30)

I arrived right on time (06:30) at the Greyhound station in Oakland. I got at least some sleep last night. I feel nearly back to normal health. Now I will find my way the approximately 30 blocks to Jen's apartment in Emeryville by bus or foot. Jen is at work (industrial hygiene) until 10:00.

Halloween06 Night greyhound bus Oakland

Greg didn't know which city bus I should take to the Greyhound station, so I walked. My strength obviously improved dramatically since yesterday though I was tired when I arrived. I missed the 22:00 bus to Oakland, so I took the 23:30 ($39). I left my bike, tent, & sleeping bag @ Greg's. I haven't slept much yet; I'm not sure if I will later. I estimate arrival @ Oakland 06:30.

Monday, October 30, 2006

LA06 (Mon 10/30) Recovering well, planning Halloween with Jen

I feel better today; I'm a bit tired but I'm well on my way to recovery. I'm planning to go to Jen's place so we can go out for Halloween - I'll see aunt Lisa after that. The Greyhound buses with the shortest travel times (7 hours) avoid traffic in both LA and SF, so that means 11:30, 22:00, or 23:30 departures. I missed the 11:30 departure from LA for today; I think my health has improved enough that a nighttime trip is feasible. So I'm planning to take the 22:00 bus from a sketchy part of LA that gets into a sketchy part of Oakland at just after 05:00.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

LA05 (Sun 10/29) Rodeo Drive

I've had a slight headache for much of the day but I'm feeling a bit better so I decided to hop the 720 express bus to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. I am way out of my element here. Fancy shops aren't very interesting for me but I'm glad I'm seeing it since I'm in the area.

LA05 (Sun 10/29) resting @ Greg's

I felt a lot better when I awakened around 07:00 though since then I don't feel quite as well, but I think it is an improvement from yesterday. I'm resting mostly - I haven't left Greg's apartment yet today. If I feel better, I will check out Rodeo Dr on the 720 bus a bit later.

I have been talking with Jen a lot today and yesterday. I would like to visit Jen in the East Bay so I can recuperate in her company, especially since she doesn't have to work too much. Also, I will visit aunt Lisa in Laguna Woods at some point. The Greyhound bus to San Fran is around $39. For today though, I plan to stay in LA and rest.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

LA04 (Sat 10/28) Greg Macrobiotic (late) lunch

Greg has been very nice to of while I am sick. I eat about half of my meals out (not today; I have scarcely been out today). Today Greg made for us a macrobiotic lunch of whole wheat pasta, salad with avocado based dressing, and fried vegetables.

LA04 (Sat 10/28) resting @ Greg's

I haven't done much today; I am resting after my health failed last night. I've been talking to Jen; I might go up there to recuperate in Berkeley. I'm concerned that if I go visit aunt Lisa that I might infect her. I'm hoping that I haven't already given my cold to Greg.

Friday, October 27, 2006

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Health gives out, run for home, long wait for bus

I was planning to see Rodeo Drive on my way back to Greg's place in Koreatown, which is right on the 720 express bus line. However, after the sun went down in Santa Monica, my nose started running and I was nearly out of napkins I was using as tissues. I decided to take the 720 back to Koreatown and skip Rodeo Drive for now.

Although the 720 runs frequently, the buses are not on a "schedule" like buses in Seattle. Presumably, traffic variables make such scheduling impossible, so the bus stops list anticipated frequencies like 1 bus every 5-15 minutes. Several 720 buses went by as a herd, leaving no buses for a while, so I had to wait in Santa Monica around 20:00.

After I was on the bus, my nose started running more and I ran out of tissues so I had to keep sniffing all the phlegm into my throat. Gross. I had to pee so badly and my body felt cold, which may have meant that I had a fever. After the bus passed through Beverly Hills I had to get off the bus to pee, and with my fever or whatever I was a bit confused about how long I was supposed to stay on the bus. I went to the Ride Aid and bought some tissues so I could at least blow my nose.

I was not far from Koreatown so I walked to the next bus stop which took a while since express bus stops are far apart. Unfortunately, another herd of 720 buses came by in rapid succession, leaving me and others to wait nearly an hour for the bus. being cold and blowing my nose. Several of the local 20 buses with the same route came but they were on the other side of La Brea avenue which I couldn't cross in time. The bus was so full I thought I wouldn't be able to get on.

It was a relief to get back to Greg's place to rest. Unfortunately, I had the only key so he couldn't get into his own place until I returned but he seemed to do OK.

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Santa Monica 3rd St promenade

I'm on the 3rd street pedestrian only promenade in Santa Monica. Jen and I came here before on our first night here (her only night on this trip before she had to take the Greyhound back to Emeryville, CA to teach her Pilates class. I like this place; there are bohemian entertainers and breakdancers in the street. There are many upscale shops as well as restaurants offering outside seating on the promenade.

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Universal City - Tourist mecca

I'm in Universal City (I'm not taking the $59 Univeral Studio tour / $89 for VIP no-standing-in-line). It is a bit overwhelming, with lots of high profile shopping and dining options but there isn't much for me here. I'm tired; fighting the cold takes most of my energy.

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Walking 1 metro stop distance on Hollywood Blvd

I shouldn't be walking a lot today because I don't have much strength but I decided to walk for 1 metro stop (Hollywood/Vine to Hollywood/Highland) to experience again the most active part of the Hollywood Blvd strip, near where "Michael Jackson", "Supergirl", and "Elvis" take pictures with tourists. Even walking 1 metro stop takes quite a while.

There are many beautiful women, presumably many of them are aspiring actresses. I will take the metro from Hollywood/Highland to Universal City next.

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Lunch @ Good-ha, riding metro rail

I awakened around 08:00 but didn't leave Greg's apartment 10:00. My cold isn't too bad but I don't have much energy. I ate a hearty meal at Koreatown Manila Good-ha ($5) around 10:30 and returned for a bit to Greg's and then bought an all day transit pass ($3) so I could sightsee. I may be going with Greg to Hisako's south of LA in Laguna Woods tomorrow but I haven't finalized my plans yet.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

LA02 (Thu 10/26) Return from Hollywood

I was in Hollywood enjoying myself but getting tired because of my illness, plus I needed to return to Greg's apt at 19:00 because I have the only key. Greg works as a personal chef and goes to school after so he is busy. Greg met me on his bike at the Wilshire & Vermont metro station on his way back from San Marino.

LA02 (Thu 10/26) Found wallet; @ LAPD

I found a lady's wallet with money, credit card & ID on the street so I'm waiting in line at the Hollywood LAPD station to see if they can return it to her.

LA02 (Thu 10/26) Walking Hollywood Blvd

I'm touring again on foot. My cold or sore throat or whatever doesn't seem too bad but I'm avoiding strenuous activity. Right now I am on Hollywood Bl. I haven't seen any celebrities. I have been talking with Jen a lot on the phone today. She's in the East Bay area.

LA02 (Thu 10/26) Lunch @ Manila Good-ha

I'm eating lunch at my favorite LA restaurant, Manila Good-ha (3324 W 6th St) in Koreatown serves good Philippine food somewhat cafeteria style ($5 for a filling lunch).

LA02(Thu 10/26) Sore throat, hang @ Greg

I miss Jen and I hope I can see her soon. As expected, I came down with a sore throat, whatever Jen had. It isn't bad; I'm taking some vitamin C and resting and cleaning Gregory's apt i little bit. I'll go out soon for some air and sun.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

LA01 (Wed 10/25) LA industrial downtown

Jen & I rushed to get her on the 15:00 Grey hound bus to Oakland. She was pretty stressed out because the next bus wasn't until 22:00. There wasn't time to get the bike packed for the bus so I shipped it separately via Grey hound Package Express ($17 + $10 for the box). Now I'm walking back through the Downtown industrial area which reeks of urine and is full of tents of homeless people.

LA01 (Wed 10/25) Arranging return transportation for Jen

So far we haven't been able to find any available rental cars with check out from LA and return in Oakland or Berkeley, CA. Greyhound is still an option.

LA01 (Wed 10/25) Morning @ Gregory's apt

Gregory had to get up at around 05:00 to get to his job as a personal macrobiotic chef in San Marino. Jen and I slept it later (Jen has been sick and I'm starting to come down with it; there is a tickle in my throat so I will rest and drink fluids). Gregory said he'd return a bit later than usual around 19:30 (he gave us the key to let ourselves in and out).

Jen has been giving me fairly regular massages riding down the coast. She uses a much harder massage technique that I'm used to; which helps release the muscle tension. According to her, my leg muscles have become large because of cycling but I haven't been stretching or getting massages so they are extremely tight. It hurts getting the hard massages but I know I need it.

Today, Jen needs to make arrangements to go back to Emeryville so she can get back to work (industrial hygiene and/or teaching Pilates classes). We're going to go to the library or other internet equipped location to research car rentals or Greyhound/Amtrak.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

PC09 (Tue 10/24) Santa Monica beach path

We're on the beach bike path in Santa Monica. It is cold and cloudy so we are putting clothes on. The pier is just up ahead. We will be staying at Gregory's (Magda's ex) on Wilshire Blvd in Koreatown tonight.


PC09 (Tue 10/24) fog & traffic in Malibu

The Malibu coast is scenic though clogged with cars, an unfortunate reality of life in Southern California. It was hot in Camarillo but foggy and colder when we left. There are many surfers in wet suits.


PC09 (Tue 10/24) Ted @ Camarillo bike

Mike our host drove us about 10 miles to Camarillo bike shop early this morning and we waited around and bought food and ate while waiting for the shop to open at 1000. Ted is lacing up my wheel with a new rim as we speak ($30 + tax for the rim, $30 for labor which I though was reasonable as he did a careful job and took about an hour).


Monday, October 23, 2006

PC08 (Mon 10/23) Ventura - Mike & Irma's

Jen & I arrived on the excellent Coast Express bus ($2 per person) in Ventura. Mike met us at the mall bus stop and drove us to Performance Bike shop, where they said they had a 20" rim. When we arrived, it turned out they didn't have an appropriate rim. So, Jen & I will go to Carnillo Bike shop about 10 miles away tomorrow to get a rim. Mike invited us to his house after all, and we had dinner with his wife Irma and children.

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PC08 (Mon 10/23) Riding bus to Ventura

We're riding the public bus with our bikes to Ventura where I will try to get a replacement rim for my bike at performance or another bike shop. Our ETA Ventura is 1706.


PC08 (Mon 10/23) Stranded in Santa Barbara

The Pro cycle shop didn't have a suitable rim so we tried to limp to Ventura to get a 406mm rim but it failed catastrophically. Jen went to try to get a BMX rim. Also, we can't stay at Mike's tonight and there is no warm showers host in Ventura.


PC08 (Mon 10/23) cracked rim, Santa Barbara

We've been riding on Us 101 which has heavy traffic, including semis. We made it to Santa Barbara and plan to finish @ Mike's house in Ventura where he offered us a place to stay. My front rim cracked so I will limp to Ventura where they should have 20" wheels at the Cycle Scene recumbent shop.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

PC07 (Sun 10/22) Camping at Gaviota Pk

We were scared during our brief time on hwy 101 after hwy 1 terminated. Gaviota st pk was closed (open friday & saturday only this time of year) but the camp host let us stay for free because we were on bicycles and opened the showers for us.


PC07 (Sun 10/22) Race to Gaviota St Pk

I've been snacking during the day, trying to keep up my energy level for all the climbs. Jen & I stopped at about 1600 in Lompoc and had an unhealthy dinner at Albertsons. Then we started riding toward Gaviota state park hoping we could reach it before night and camp. The riding was tough; we were getting tired and the sun was setting. We had to get onto fast moving 101 but we made it.


PC07 (Sun 10/22) Fog lifts, hot & sunny Vandenburg AFB

The fog burned off around 10:00 and it has been sunny and hot since. We were surprised by the hilly ride today. I thought that steep grades were history after Big Sur. We went by Vandenburg AFB where there is a big NASA base and the shuttle lands but we didn't see military aircraft.


PC07 (Sun 10/22) Foggy in Pismo beach

After 18" of Subway sandwich we went to the Pismo beach campground. It was full, so we asked a lady to share her site. We offered money but she refused and left to go home since her daughter didn't show so we were alone. Fog rolled in at night which kept us warm though made stuff a bit wet. The fog was still thick this morning so it was cold. Jen gave of a massage; my leg muscles were tight.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

PC06 (Sat 10/21) Mike again, SL Obispo

We met our buddy Mike from Ventura again on the road. He was out me time so his wife was picking him up in San Luis Obispo so we rode together. Jen & I didn't see much of Obispo due to time pressure. Despite my huge breakfast @ Am Legion I was hungry all day, I need to eat more and had so-so energy.


PC06(Sat 10/21) Morning, Am Legion bfast

We camped at the San Simeon state park last night. It got cold during the night so I got chilled but I was fine after putting on some more clothes. We were riding through the town a few miles after San Simeon, Cambria, and we saw a pancake breakfast at the American Legion for $5 / person. I had so many donuts, OJ, pancakes, and eggs & we chatted a while with the vets, inc 1 WW2 merchant sailor.


PC05 (10/20) Elephant seals @ San Simeon

We made it to San Simeon after all the climbing and my hunger. Just outside of town we saw hundreds of elephant seals (females, we think) lounging on the beach. These is a fence to keep tourists at a safe distance. We will camp at San simeon state park ($2 per person biker rate).


PC05 (Fri 10/20) Ben & Jerry @ Ragged pt


PC05 Hot, sunny, hilly bays Big Sur

It is hot maybe 90 F at peak temp. The terrain consists of moon shaped bays which are beautiful but have a puffs climb and winding descent for each one. We are sweaty and deer flies swarm when we stop.


PC05 (Fri 10/20) morning @ Burns camp

Having breakfast and packing up from the Julia Pfeiffer Burns camp. It is on the cliffs and there is walking access only. It is by reservation only but we crashed there anyway. It was fairly warm last night.


PC04 (Thu 10/19) Mike in Big Sur

We ran into Mike on Big Sur riding for a few days. He had a Specialized carbon road bike and was pulling a Bob trailer. His gearing was too high for the grades but he was making do. We had lunch in the town of Big Sur and then parted ways (he stayed there, we continued for a bit).


PC04 (Thu 10/19) Big Sur coast

The Big Sur coast so far is very rugged with lots of climbing, curves, and descents. Often the beach is well below the road. I'm glad that I'm doing this in fall with sunny weather and few RVs rather than in summer when the roads are packed (there are no shoulders in parts). Since it is so clear in the day, it gets chilly at night but warmer than the interior of the country.


Friday, October 20, 2006

PC04 (Thu 10/19) Morning on cliffs

The ranger turned us away at Pt Lobos park but we found another spot a few miles away right on the cliffs above the ocean. For some reason I told Jen to leave her sleeping bag and it got cold at night because it was so clear during the day. Despite my big dinner I was hungry by morning.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

PC04 (Thu 10/19) Big Sur coast

The Big Sur coast so far is very rugged with lots of climbing, curves, and descents. Often the beach is well below the road. I'm glad that I'm doing this in fall with sunny weather and few RVs rather than in summer when the roads are packed (there are no shoulders in parts). Since it is so clear in the day, it gets chilly at night but warmer than the interior of the country.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

PC03 (Wed 10/18) Jen in Monterrey

Jen arrived in Monterrey at around 10:00. I met her at the bus station after riding from Marina on the bike path this morning. I put on my new chainring but haven't ridden with it yet.


PC03 Carmel dinner to Point Lobos

We've been sightseeing in both Monterrey and Carmel which are upscale beach towns filled with surfers and tourists and $3 million houses. We ate dinner at Safeway (watermelon, whole chicken, and mashed potato). We will ride a short distance to Point Lobos to camp.


PC03 (Wed 10/18) Carmel Beach

We're going slowly, sightseeing as we go. I'm hungry, so we'll pick up some food here in Carmel. Later we will head out of town toward Big Sur.


PC03 (Wed 10/18) Cold night, warm@Dennys

I was cold last night. I didn't think I needed the tent so I slept in the open. It got colder than I thought and the moisture condensed on my sleeping bag. I was shivering in the morning packing up my stuff then I went back to Dennys where I was last night to warm up. Jen is already on the early Capitol Corridor train to San Jose then she'll take the bus to Monterrey.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

PC02 (Tue 10/17) night ride to Marina

I've been riding at night for a few hours. I thought it was pretty safe; the main danger the potential to miss a sign and get lost. The 4 pieces of pizza didn't fuel me as much as I thought and I arrived in Marina with great hunger. I'll get a grand slam ($6 w tax & tip) @ Dennys then camp nearby so I can ride into Monterrey when Jen arrives on the bus around 10:00 if all goes according to plan.


PC02 Moss Landing at night

After Jen left I wandered through Santa Cruz. I scored 4 pieces of cheese pizza for $1 each (Tuesday special) and bought a new middle 39 tooth chainring @ Family Cycle Center. I left Santa Cruz around 1600. "Peter" riding fast on an electric assist bike escorted me on a scenic route out of town. I'm riding though Moss Landing at night to meet Jen coming by Amtrak/bus tomorrow to Monterrey.


PC02 Jen returns to Emeryville

Jen is teaching a pilates class tonight in the bay area so she caught the 13:20 #17 bus to San Jose then the 15:00 Amtrak train to Emeryville for her 17:00 class. I'm hoping she can meet me in Monterrey tomorrow so we can keep riding down the coast for a few days.


Monday, October 16, 2006

PC01 (Mon 10/16) Erin @ Santa Cruz

Erin called us, so we're staying at her co-op which she shares with 21 other residents that operates by consensus. She also works at the 'Bike Church' a non-profit shop; I spent some time there talking with Kyle the mechanic about my drivetrain.


PC01 Santa Cruz, seeking host

We've been sightseeing in Santa Cruz. I left a message for Erin, our host but I haven't heard back possibly because she is at work. It is already 1830 so if I don't hear from Erin in a few minutes, I will call another warm showers host.


PC01 U pick strawberries

U pick organic strawberries at Swanton Berry farm near Davenport, CA are tasty and a good value at $1.50 per pound.


PC01 (Mon 10/16) Sunny with tailwind

The coastal route is quite rugged and beautiful on route 1 to Santa Cruz, with rolling terrain. Fortunately we have had a powerful tailwind at times. Unfortunately, I have been hungry much of the day since the eggs benedict didn't fill me up. We are planning to stay with Erin in Santa Cruz, a warm showers host.


PC01 Half Moon Bay - Main St Grill

We got a bit wet out on hwy 1 due to drizzle. I was warm enough but Jen got a bit cold. We're hiding out in the Main Street Grill (435 Main Street) eating tasty eggs benedict hoping the weather will clear up a bit.


PC01 (Sun 10/16) Foggy & Drizzling

It is quite foggy and drizzling. My camera lens is fogged and Jen can't see well. We'll have breakfast in Half Moon bay.


PC01 (Mon 10/16) Morning at camp

Jen & I both slept well. It was relaxing being able to hear the waves breaking. This morning is foggy with a rainy mist, unusual for fall in California.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

SF6 (Sun 10/15) Camp hwy 1 near Montero

After spending god knows how long at Sports Basement we were getting a late start out of the city. We ate Mexican food at the Taqueria in Pacifica ($16 for 2) because I hadn't had much substantial food and was very hungry. We were losing sunlight fast so we decided to rough camp off highway 1 near the beach, shy of Montero.

SF6 (Sun 10/15) Riding GG bridge