Friday, October 27, 2006

LA03 (Fri 10/27) Health gives out, run for home, long wait for bus

I was planning to see Rodeo Drive on my way back to Greg's place in Koreatown, which is right on the 720 express bus line. However, after the sun went down in Santa Monica, my nose started running and I was nearly out of napkins I was using as tissues. I decided to take the 720 back to Koreatown and skip Rodeo Drive for now.

Although the 720 runs frequently, the buses are not on a "schedule" like buses in Seattle. Presumably, traffic variables make such scheduling impossible, so the bus stops list anticipated frequencies like 1 bus every 5-15 minutes. Several 720 buses went by as a herd, leaving no buses for a while, so I had to wait in Santa Monica around 20:00.

After I was on the bus, my nose started running more and I ran out of tissues so I had to keep sniffing all the phlegm into my throat. Gross. I had to pee so badly and my body felt cold, which may have meant that I had a fever. After the bus passed through Beverly Hills I had to get off the bus to pee, and with my fever or whatever I was a bit confused about how long I was supposed to stay on the bus. I went to the Ride Aid and bought some tissues so I could at least blow my nose.

I was not far from Koreatown so I walked to the next bus stop which took a while since express bus stops are far apart. Unfortunately, another herd of 720 buses came by in rapid succession, leaving me and others to wait nearly an hour for the bus. being cold and blowing my nose. Several of the local 20 buses with the same route came but they were on the other side of La Brea avenue which I couldn't cross in time. The bus was so full I thought I wouldn't be able to get on.

It was a relief to get back to Greg's place to rest. Unfortunately, I had the only key so he couldn't get into his own place until I returned but he seemed to do OK.


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