Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 73 (Mon 09/18) Climb boulder mtn

It was so cold in the morning. There has been a wave of cold air passing over Utah. Fortunately, it makes the temperatures very moderate during the day but means it freezes at night.

We had breakfast at the Cap Reef Inn & Cafe. There was a huge sustained climb up Boulder Mountain into Dixie National Forest. My health was OK with no stomach problems.

We reached the summit of 9,400' at 16:00. There was a long descent to Boulder which is very quiet & cute & remote.

We stayed at the Pole's Place Inn ($73 for 2). We had dinner at the Burr Trail restaurant. Mag was tired and well to make a long story short we got into a bit of a fight. The usual thing with us, we have very different personality types so sometimes it causes problems.



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