Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 71 (Sat 09/16) Hite to Hanksville, UT - narrative

We packed up our tent pretty early at the Ranger Station at Hite Recreation area. No ranger bothered us during the night. I figured if one had came by he/she would take pity on us because of the furious winds blowing all night.

We had a breakfast of Tuna & Rice then left the park. We had nice scenery and a big climb with a 12% upward grade. A headwind picked up, unfortunately.

There was a cool honeycomb pattern on the rocks; look on Mag's blog for the photo since I can't post. We were going up most of the day.

17 miles from Hanksville the grade levelled but there was still a headwind. The terrain changed to semi arid scrub. My stomach is almost 100%; I was hungry early in the day but a lunch of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches at a rest stop helped. The ride was long because of the headwind. We stayed at the Value Inn ($65 for 2). In some of these small tourist towns in Utah the accomodation is a bit more expensive than the around $40 for 2 we've seen elsewhere.



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