Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 68 (9/13 evening) Motel, Condition & Diagnosis

Nobody was around at the First Baptist or LDS churches in Blanding, so we checked in to the Sunset Inn (88 W Center St Blanding, UT 84511 435-678-3323) which was a bargain at $34 for 2 people, fairly nice for what it is on the inside.

Mag was at the library until 19:00 working on her blog. Meanwhile I was trying to rest at the motel. My stomach was not feeling well at all. I couldn't sleep but perhaps the rest did me good. Mag invited me to have dinner with her but I declined because I didn't want to get up and I didn't feel like eating.

After Mag had dinner, I got on my bike and rode to the Clark's market to get some food or supplies to treat my condition. I was in a confused state of mind and got a bit lost but eventually got there. I spoke to Bronco (Dr. Ed) on Mag's phone and described my symptoms. Bronco thought I could have a gastrointestinal virus, an ulcer, or worse, a parasite such as a worm or amoeba. I would need to get medical treatment if my condition didn't improve. He recommended Mylanta or Maalox, so I bought a bottle of Mylanta which helped my stomach quite a bit.



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