Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day 69 (9/14): morning in Blanding, UT, assessing my condition

(unable to post photos due to weak mobile signal)

I slept pretty well last night; I think the Mylanta helped. I awoke about every hour but went back to sleep pretty quickly.

I'm trying to assess my own condition since services will be very limited for 74 miles and then another 50 miles after that. I awoke with a slight headache, which I attribute to not eating very much and perhaps becoming a bit dehydrated. I'm trying to hydrate myself and I will eat heartily I hope this morning. I don't know if my stomach will act up again when I eat.

It is 34 miles to the natural bridges monument which is where we would go tonight if we leave Blanding. There is no food or anything besides a campground there so we need to carry plenty of food.

Obviously it would be a bad idea to get on a remote stretch of road if we think I have some sort of parasite or something that requires medical attention.



At 9/14/2006 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're getting yourself checked out before hitting that stretch of road. Even if it's something relatively minor (like a stomach virus) you don't want to collapse in the middle of nowhere. Good luck!

At 9/16/2006 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm no doctor but just in case you have eaten fresh spinach lately (maybe on a salad bar)and haven't heard they have had several cases of ecoli reported from eating fresh spinach. FYI

At 9/17/2006 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following your and Maggie's trip with great interest--hope you are feeling better. I happened to note that a few days ago you mentioned you two ate spinach salad--right in the midst of the e coli outbreak that has affected folks in your area from raw (and organic) spinach. Take care!


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