Friday, February 02, 2007

2 Febrero - Ride to Santiago / Manzanillo

Unusual for Mèxico, we enjoyed a generously sized shoulder for the ride south into Manzanillo, Colima.

Bananas are cheap here, around 6 pesos per kilo. You can see why with the large banana plantations.

A motorist from Guadalajara with his family at a small store insisted on buying us 2 coconuts to try, normally 5 pesos each.

At the beach in Santiago, Colima near Manzanillo Jen was wading in the water and was hit by surprise by a large wave. She lost her expensive glasses in the water. I thought they were gone for good but she put on her swim goggles and found them about 10 meters off shore. I was amazed, as were the nearby RVers.

The Mexican government to its credit seems to be spending quite a bit of effort and money improving its road network. Some of these roads even have shoulders.


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