Thursday, February 01, 2007

1 febrero - Telaque

Telaque Jalisco is a pleasant town, though not undiscovered by tourists. It is much safer and saner for biking than Puerto Vallarta.

We have been eating well and at a reasonable price in Mèxico, because we are eating locally grown and produced items. Imported items, like nuts and grapes are expensive. Oranges, Mandarin Oranges, Avocados, Bananas, Papayas are cheap. It is easy to boil shrimp with a small stove which makes some nice tacos, although taking the shells of is labor intensive.


At 2/02/2007 12:00 PM, Blogger AugKuo said...

Hi Jennifer, hi dave -
looks like you guys are having a great time! That shrimp looks really good - don't boil them for too long and they'll come right out of the shell (just when they turn red).



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