Thursday, September 28, 2006

Day 83 (Thu 09/28) arrival in Eureka, NV (no photos)

(Can't post photos, no mobile coverage in Eureka, NV)

It was another long day but we made it over 4 passes and 78 miles in one day (Robinson Pass 7,607', Pancake 6,517', Little Antelope 7,438', Pinto 7,376'). I started to slow down in the late morning but I started snacking which helped my energy level. As usual, I would ride ahead of Mag a few hundred meters and then wait for her to catch up. Mag and I agree that Milford, UT to Baker, NV a few days ago was tougher for us but today was plenty tough.

The US highway 50 so called "lonliest highway in America" today was anything but. There were 55 cyclists with on the "Oatbran" tour (One Awesome Tour Bike Ride Across Nevada), their support vehicles, Semis carrying oversized loads with their pilot cars, regular semis, and plenty of trucks, motorcycles, RVs and passenger cars.

Speaking of Oatbran, the eastbound riders crossing Nevada on hwy 50 in 5 days eastbound with support invited us to lunch at the rest stop. Curtis, the Event Director for "Bike the West" ( set us up with sandwiches and drinks n stuff and we talked with him, the other support people, and the riders for a while when we were eating our lunch. I'll post the photo of Curtis, Mag & me when I get service.

We made it to Eureka (population: about 500) around 18:00 and got a few groceries at the small grocery store in town before it closed at 19:00. Then we had dinner at the Owl Club & Steak House (61 N Main St Eureka, NV 89316 775-237-5280). She had a "deluxe" cheeseburger & fries; I had a halibut burger & fries. It was busy and took them a while to serve us which was a slight problem because it is a smoking establishment and both Mag & I were grossed out. Cost: about $14 for 2 with tip.

2 lodging establishments in Eureka were closed and 2 others were full. There were only 2 rooms left at the only place in town with any vacancies: The Best Western Eureka (251 N Main St Eureka, NV 89316 775-237-5247). The room was $80 for 2 with tax, the most we have ever paid for a single night on our trip. Worse, they had only smoking rooms available, but we took it. Neither of us felt like camping after a tough day, with another not quite as tough 1 steep pass 70-mile day.

The room itself is OK though pretty boring compared with the suite we had last night at Hotel Nevada. At least there is a spa (which I plan to use) and internet computer (which I am using right now, since there is no GSM service in Eureka).



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