Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 54 (Wed) evening talk with Dr. Ed

Warning. This post contains personal thoughts and feelings unrelated to bike touring. In other words, it isn't just inane blog chatter about how everything is wonderful and life keeps getting better each second.

Wed August 30, 2006 23:00. I fell asleep during the free movie "Return to Oz" and I think Mag did too. Dr. Ed apparently enjoyed the movie and said it was one of the weirdest movies he had ever seen.

After the 3 of us packed up our tent footprints from Elk Park in Telluride (about 22:30), the movie venue, Dr. Ed and I went in to their hotel lobby to discuss plans for the next day (Thursday). I have been having the "three's a crowd" feeling around Mag and Dr. Ed because they are obviously very close. Mag doesn't rely on me the way she used to before Dr. Ed's arrival and Mag and I are more acquaintances than friends now (Dr. Ed, though, is an impressive man. I enjoy discussing bike touring stuff but also medical issues and particularly microbiology). I get lonely riding on my own sometimes, but I have been enjoying a greater reliance on my own wits as I have been cycling on my own. I've been taking charge of my journey, if you will.

I was both surprised and touched when Dr. Ed told me he likes having me around and thinks we should ride together (as opposed to me riding south on my own towards Durango, CO ahead of them - I wasn't going to "ditch" them). I was a rather confused last night, and I'm still confused about my feelings towards Mag. Dr. Ed and I spoke for quite a while about things he had learned about balance in his life, and I admit I wasn't a very focused conversationalist but it helped to develop the friendship between Dr. Ed and I. How Mag feels, is a mystery to me. Whether she does like me in a sterile, reserved way or is merely afraid of carrying her own water through Utah and Nevada I can't say. Certainly she is a strong person and could easily manage crossing the desert, should Mag's and my journeys diverge.



At 9/02/2006 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I've been reading your blog and Maggies blog from the beginning. I think you're honesty is refreshing. I must tell u, i think Maggie is using you and isn't being very nice. Let her finish on her own. At this point, she needs you more than you need her emotionally and physically.


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