Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 52/53 (Orvis Hot Springs resort) Dear Penthouse Forum...

Dear Penthouse Forum,

When I got back from dinner at the True Grit, imagine my surprise to my six naked 21.5 year old Air Sweden stewardesses in the main pool. "Come here and service us now!", they demanded.

Well, nothing like that happened. But it was quite interesting. I went for a soak at 10 PM. During the day, there were a few nice looking ladies though many opted to wear bathing suits except in the smaller pools, for modesty (the men almost universally were naked, which would be great if I were a gay man). The "night crowd" is quite a bit different, after 10 PM when the pool is closed to the public, then only overnight guests (campers or people staying in one of the 6 rooms) can use the facilities. While at night the couples mostly kept to themselves to do, well, couple type things lurking in the corner, the remaining single women (few in number though they were) or men for that matter were friendly at night, and nobody wears a bathing suit at night. The disadvantage is that there are fewer (single, reasonably young) ladies with whom to interact. They are open all night to overnight guests, even at 3 AM one can enjoy the 110F lobster pot (which I did).

Fortunately, there was a nice woman (sans vetements) enjoying the 100 F waters of the main pool. I passed her a few times without speaking but then I said hi and we struck up a conversation about the pool itself and other insignificant matters. It is strange, being interested in a woman, maybe asking her out, and both of us were naked, although hidden by both the water and under cover of darkness (she was staying in the indoor accomodation, I was camping). Everybody has so much mystique, and the waters feel great as the air gets colder. I don't have a photo, cameras aren't allowed in the bathing area for obvious reasons, and my mobile doesn't have a flash anyway. The conversation went reasonably well; I was trying to get my flirt on, so we agreed to talk more the next day and grab some lunch. I should clarify that I'm not interested in any sort of casual sexual fling (I can't say if she was or not); I just wanted to flirt and get to know her, maybe go out. I turned it around 11 PM.

At nearly 8,000 feet, camping is pushing my existing REI nooksack sleeping bag which I think it having compressed fibers, which make it less warm (I'll look for another bag, down this time). So I got up at 3 AM and enjoyed another soak partly to warm up but it was nice anyway.

She's a bit older than I am (I haven't decided if I should say her name yet, for now I won't). I saw her in the morning during my 7 AM soak and for some reason I was either tripping over myself or we couldn't recover the same mystique or chemistry we had before. There were some other nice ladies there, many with boyfriends of course but a few others were single though I didn't have any good conversations, more than just a mutual "hi".

Today (Tuesday August 29) there aren't many ladies around the pool, mostly men or older couples. I'll go into town to get some food or whatever. Since I am camping for only one night, I have to have my tent packed by 11 AM but I can continue to use the facilities until 10 PM, though that wouldn't make sense because it would be treacherous to travel by bike at such an hour.

I'll head to Telluride today though I'm not sure what time I will leave. It isn't that important because it is only about 37 miles, albeit in mountainous terrain. I think Mag and Ed will also go to Telluride today though I don't know their specific plans.



At 8/29/2006 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? What happened with you and Mag? Is Mag and Dr. Ed an item now? Who is Dr. Ed? Where did he come from? please elaborate. I'm dying to know....


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