Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day 50: trials on the ride after Monarch, Sargeant, CO to Gunnison, CO

Amazingly, the ride from Sargeant to Gunnison has been in many ways more challenging than the ascent to Monarch summit this morning from Maysville. I was lucky that I started pretty early up to Monarch and the weather, all things considered, cooperated with just light rain.

However, from Sargeant to Gunnison I had another front flat (my front tire is bald and full of cuts; I need a new one desperately. I'll put on my reserve tire, leaving me without a reserve, if I can't find one leaving me without a reserve tire, oh and this would be flat #8, I believe) and fought stinging hail, rain, and headwinds and hills at the same time.

I hope Mag & Ed are doing OK; Mag sent me a message that she successfully reached Monarch summit at 12:45, although I didn't receive the message until 13:15 because I was fixing my flat in a cell dead zone. Mag's message said that the weather for her ascent had been more challenging with rain and hail along the way.

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