Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Day 26 (Mt. Olive, IL) playing in the water

It is just after 11:30 and we have travelled 26 miles so far today since leaving Farmersville at about 6 AM. Progress is a bit slow because of the headwinds and already 95 degree heat with humidity.

While riding through the town of Mt. Olive, Maggie spied an operating lawn sprinkler. She asked him if we could drench ourselves in his sprinkler, and he agreed. He was a young man and told us about his work as a coal miner; for example, the shafts he works in are quite large and he doesn't need to crawl as other (older) miners have told us.

We're outta here back on the road. We need to make as much progress toward St Louis as we can before it becomes too hot.



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