Saturday, June 17, 2006

Packing my bike - why doesn't it fit?

Unlike my 2004 southern tier expedition I decided to use just 2 panniers, relying on the space between my recumbent seat and rack to carry the tent and sleeping bag. The 2 person REI quarterdome UL is luxurious overkill for just me, but Maggie and I will fully utilize it later on Maggietour 2006.

After changing my chain, packing, and all the other errands, it was getting rather late. I had difficulty getting everything on my bike though I had done a dry run some weeks before. I realized I budgeted for just a 1 person tent (my REI roadster) and a new, smaller, sleeping bag I thought I might buy to replace my REI Nooksack UL 35 (but didn't). I managed to get everything on with some creative management and dumping a bulky fleece vest.


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