Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sat 12/09; Arrival @ Lisa's place

Aunt Lisa met the 3 of us at Laguna Beach and offered to sag our gear, which we accepted.

It was raining harder for a while, rather unfamiliar for me in California but I didn't mind it. Jen wasn't using a front light because it isn't easy to mount one on the handlebars with the new giant handlebar bag she got from Performance Bike shop in Santa Monica. We'll figure out something, maybe attach it to her handlebar bag. Similarly, you couldn't see her rear flashing LED which was obstructed by all the junk strapped on top of her rear rack.

We arrived at Lisa's place where Greg will spend the night before he returns tomorrow to LA. I'm not sure how long Jen and I will be here. I know Jen was excited to see a Pilates and Bikram studio near here.

There was some gear waiting for me so now I have my new 3rd eye bike mirror, 2 new Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires, my new red Rans tailpack, and the sweetie pie sleeping bag expander my Dad sent. We still need some sort of water purifier for Mexico which I haven't ordered yet. The CDC recommends boiling water, which we could do since we have a stove but that takes a while.

Lisa made us a dinner of rice, miso soup and pot stickers.



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