Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 47 evening with Aaron & Janet (

After Mag and I rode south from the Air Force Academy on the scenic but trecherous Santa Fe trail, Mag and I parted ways for the day. She went to the airport to rendezvous with Dr. Ed who will be staying together with Mag at Alan & Pat's in Colorado Springs (update: the airline doesn't have his bike, it went on a different plane, they should be bringing it by courier to Alan & Pat's house where they are staying around 10 PM maybe...).

I spent a few hours in Colorado Springs going to different bike shops like REI, Criterium Bicycles (6150 Corporate Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-599-0149), and Performance Bike. To get to Performance I had to ride down scary 3-lanes-of-whizzing-traffic for several miles and their store was quite small compared to the one in Seattle, so I left empty handed except for a patch kit. I was looking for a small handlebar bag but I didn't see any that I liked.

I had dinner with Aaron & Janet and I got to talk with them at length about their recent 14 month biking (& hiking) trip, practical issues with their bike and travelling, costs, and experiences with people. I won't post any pictures or describe it in more detail because they have their own website at

Mag & Ed are hitting the road again south on 115 towards Canon City, CO, assuming that the airline delivers Ed's bike to Alan & Pat's house. I haven't decided if and when I'm hitting the road, because I really need to work out where Sandrine needs to fly in (August 13st) and out (September 18th) to fit into the westbound itinerary with a minimum of disruption. That, and I think my front tire is leaking air slowly so I'll take a look in the morning.



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