Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 30 touring cyclist encounter: Caedmon

Caedmon left San Francisco on July 01 and we net her heading east in McBane, MO on the Katy trail on her way to Philly. She diverted north from the Transam route onto the Katy trail because of the discourteous Missouri drivers.

Ironically, Mag had already corresponded with Caedmon about riding across country but their itineraries didn't match up. We have her contact info to ask her about Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada in the future since she has already ridden across those areas.



At 10/02/2006 11:24 PM, Blogger Caedmon said...

Hi Dave! It looks like you're still on the road...can that be?? when you get to san francisco, let me know!


p.s. I finished on Sept. 1. my blog is at


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