Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Day 19 (Napoleon OH to Monroeville, IN) 60 miles

(Sorry I can't post pictures because of network availability but I will soon hopefully tomorrow.)

We made it to Indiana! So long Ohio!

Monroeville, IN is just a few miles across the border. It was about a 60 mile ride here, Maggie was hurting the last 10 miles but she hung in there and she's doing a great job.

Fortunately Monroeville has complementary cyclist accomodation with shower and laundry facility (we will leave a donation) so we will soon take a warm shower and do laundry.

The park board caretaker Warren said that there is another west bound cyclist who may be staying tonight. Maggie and I have been eating dinner and at the library though we haven't seen him yet. He may be there when we get back.

Tonight I plan to yield the shower to Maggie (sometimes she lets me shower first because I shower pretty quickly) then take a shower and wash clothes in the laundry machine. I think that we should try to get to sleep as close to 10 PM as possible so we can stick to our 6 AM wake time and get on the road.

The roads in Ohio have been fairly rough (even in some very affluent lake communities like Lakewood west of Cleveland, surprisingly) and the terrain is pretty flat but as a result the winds really kick up. Maggie and I are both hoping the roads in Indiana will be a bit better. I'm expecting to have to fight more winds in Indiana.

We noticed that the winds tend to be pretty quiet in the morning, which is why the 6 AM wakeup and 6:30-6:45 departure with just a snack rather than full breakfast will help us consistently maintain our mileage above 50.



At 8/11/2006 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.


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